After just a short midterm break involving some much needed rest and relaxation, all of the EC students are back and ready to continue on with Term I. I know I enjoyed the extra sleep, but as a nursing major, I did in fact do some homework over break to stay caught up. Once I returned on Wednesday, I got back to business and studied as much as someone possibly could study in anticipation and preparation for my huge anatomy and physiology midterm I took that Friday. Then I spent my weekend prepping and studying for my upcoming nursing midterm which happens to be tomorrow and also for my anatomy and physiology lab test regarding my cat dissection and muscle identification the following day (Wednesday). Now, it may seem like a lot of work and stress, but with good time management skills, I am able to excel on all of these exams and get great grades! Nursing is challenging, but in the end I know all of my hard work will pay off and I will excel as a nurse in a busy hospital!
So, besides studying my life away, what have I been doing my sophomore year at school to have fun? Well, since Halloween is quickly approaching, my friend and I went to a local haunted house and Halloween exhibit called Tagsylvania! After screaming in fright for hours, we decided we would definitely go back again next year for a good scare before Halloween, and drag all of our other friends with us for a good laugh! Also, Elmira's Big Event Committee just announced that OAR, a popular alternative band, will be the big event at EC this year! As you can imagine, I am beyond excited as is the rest of campus! Tickets have gone on sale to the general public at this point, but I am sure every interested EC student went and got their ticket the day it was announced! Needless to say, next Wednesday will definitely be an exciting day on campus! But before everyone's focus is put onto the OAR performance, Orchesis tryouts take place the day before so I need to stay focused, as do all of the other students performing and hoping to make it into the show. I am excited to perform all of the dances that I have been working so hard on, as well as see all of the other dances that students have been perfecting. Dance is something I love, and is definitely worth the large time commitment. As you can see, the next few weeks prove to be extremely busy like always, but there is a light at the end of these exams called OAR!

OAR live performance at EC in just a little over a week!
Here is the entrance of Tagsylvania!
Definitely looks inviting...
Now, for the BIGGEST news spreading quickly around EC: This past weekend, Doctor Thomas Meier, Elmira College's 12th President for the past 25 years, announced his retirement at the end of this academic school year! Dr. Meier is the figurehead of EC that all students love! For many, this is a sad event but one that we all knew would come. Dr. Meier has made great changes and strides for the school and has proved to be a man that every EC student truly cherishes and respects. The 2012's are a lucky class, fortunate enough to be the last class to receive their diplomas from Dr. Meier, while the rest of us will have to wait and find out who will be the next President. Needless to say, we are all going to miss Dr. Meier and his enthusiasm, but we are all looking forward to finding out who will be chosen to carry on his legacy here at EC. But, I think the biggest concern for EC students regarding Dr. Meier's retirement...What about all the Mountain Day songs?! They are all about Dr. Meier! I guess whoever the next President is will just have to change his last name to Meier...?
So, as you can see, this upcoming week at Elmira is going to be a busy one, and has brought about a lot of change for the campus, faculty, and students. The leaves are still falling, and the weather is starting to finally get cold. Time to get back to studying, and next blog post, I will definitely be recapping the OAR concert!
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