It has been too long since my last post but things have been so busy I have had no time to update!
Fall on campus is absolutely beautiful and everyone on campus has been appreciating all the beauty!
First, let's start with tap. Tap has been BUSY and we are getting those dances finished and working on some awesome choreography! I am so excited for the show in January and am sure it will be amazing! We held a workshop for all of our tappers to go over basic skills and work on some more difficult steps to just become better dancers. It was a great time for the club members to all get together and tap away!
As I mentioned in my last post, the EC Big Event of Chiddy Bang and Timeflies was scheduled to take place right before break and let me tell you... IT WAS AWESOME! So many students volunteered to help make it happen and so much of campus was there to enjoy the concert. Both performers were amazing and everyone that went had tons of fun! The best part is that Timeflies did a freestyle rap someone wrote for them about Elmira College! They didn't do anything like this anywhere else and it was so awesome! Timeflies just recently released a new music video to their cover of ROAR on youtube, and EC is featured in the video multiple times!
The link for the video is:
This really was one of the best big events we have had and I know that everyone who went had an awesome time! The following are some pictures of Timeflies performing!!

Nursing is going great! I got my internship worked out for the spring and I could not be more excited!!!! Every senior nursing student gets to do a 5-6 week internship either here in the area at a local hospital or can elect to go home if the school can workout a contract with them. I choose to go home to NH and my internship was approved and has been all worked out! I am so happy for this opportunity and it is definitely a step to the future because in just a few short months I will be doing my internship and will be one step closer to becoming a real nurse! In other nursing news, I have been actually really enjoying my medsurg family rotation on the oncology unit and feel that I have learned so much about working with people, especially those who are terminally ill and emotionally broken. I have been working on my communicating skills and including family in my plan of care. It has been a great term thus far and has really made me become a better nurse. Pediatrics is also fun! I went to the local clinic where I was able to do lots of rapid strep tests, injections, medication administrations and even immunizations. It was a great experience in which I was able to really better understand kids and developmental stages/milestones which is essential to be a good nurse. I also got to be a school nurse for a day and that was also an awesome experience where I got to see many children of different ages and experience a variety of health issues, from chronic diseases like Cystic Fibrosis to simple things like a headache. It definitely gave me a different perspective on another area of nursing. I will get to go back to the clinic in a few weeks as well as do other rotations in pediatric surgery, NICU, daycare, etc. Each experience seems to be fun and filled with some crazy stories. I am sure I will have more to report next week!
We recently completed midterms which led to midterm break. Fortunately I was able to go home and enjoy some fall fun, but I also have enjoyed lots of fun activities around here too. I went apple picking and did some baking. The week before I hung out with some of my closest friends to celebrate a 21st birthday. We had a blast and were able to really make it memorable! Some of the friends you meet from freshman year really do remain your friends forever. We all lived in Columbia Hall on the 1st floor, and from that point on we have been best friends.
Some pictures of our night out to celebrate!
Some pictures from midterm break at home!
Sports on campus is huge right now. With fall sports slowly coming to an end, winter sports have just begun. Basketball is already practicing and so is hockey. Soccer, field hockey and volleyball will soon be over but before they are, each team will finish off strong. One of my best friends and former roommate, Taryn Rumsey, is the volleyball team captain and has set some incredible records this year including national records like number of kills. Some of our athletes at EC are really amazing and Taryn is just one of the many! My friends and I have been able to go to some of her games and watch her play and she is definitely a force to be reckoned with! Whichever team you are on or are looking to join, you will definitely come into contact with some incredible athletes here at EC!
With Taryn at one of her tournaments!
Now that midterm break has concluded, everyone is adjusting back into the college grind. However, last night everyone was able to take a break from the chaos and enjoy some fun. Model UN, a clud on campus, hosted their annual Man Auction to raise money for their trips. Needless to say, it was a crazy show full of students showing off their skills to get bids for a date. Some men were auctioned off for more than $50! Some sang, some went in pairs, some wore matching outfits and took almost all of it off!!! There was LOTS of interesting dancing, some serious exercising and flexing, and even your usual long walks on the beach moments full of sappy romance. It was CRAZY fun and Model UN was able to raise a ton of money for their conference trips.
Anyways, this weekend will be filled with homework and catching up with classes. I have a lot of big assignments due soon so I need to get focused! I will update more next week!