It has finally sank in with me that it really is Term II of my sophomore year here at EC, and now that it has hit me, I realize just how much I really am learning and how busy I am. For example, lets review my last week here on campus...busiest week I have had so far at EC!
In my nursing class we are getting closer and closer to attending clinicals, so this past week we practiced some essential skills including bathing, dressing, feeding, etc. We also had 2 quizzes and a skills test, which I did great on! Skills tests are where you put what you learn into effect and practice on your peers. My skills test involved range of motion on my patient, feeding, brushing dentures, putting on stockings, and other skills I will soon be practicing in clinical. It is exciting to realize that in just one more week I will be in the hospital with real patients!
In health assessment, we had a quiz as well and then practiced up on our assessment skills. It seemed to go really well, and I will soon be able to practice these techniques in real life in clinical. This week we did head, nose and throat, where we got to see all of our peers tonsils, look up their noses, and check out their pupils. This week we will be continuing down the body and practicing more skills.
Lab for A&P was REALLY EXCITING! We first began by dissecting and understanding the hearts of deers, some with attached lungs and trachea. It was so much easier to understand how the heart works when there is a real model to use. Despite the horrific and sickening smell, I was able to get a better understanding of how a human heart works. We also dissected our cats again to identify major veins and arteries in the body. By using a cat as an example, it is easy to apply the knowledge gained in lab onto a person, and I now have a clearer comprehension of veins and arteries.
Tap auditions were this past Friday, and tech week has officially begun and is filled with lots of dance, costumes, and routines to memorize. My family will be coming this weekend, and with 9 different numbers in just this one show, they will be seeing A LOT of me! Pictures will be coming next week, costumes and all!
To relax this weekend, I went to the hockey game with my friend, and that proved to be a good game to go to...lots of fighting! It was close, but I am pretty sure EC lost. But either way, I had a good time just relaxing and unwinding before this week began. With tech for tap every night for 3 hours, two quizzes, a paper, classes, tap show Friday and Saturday, and Relay for Life, it is going to be another busy but exciting week! Pictures soon to come of all the excitement on the EC campus!
Kaylynn and I at the hockey game!

In my nursing class we are getting closer and closer to attending clinicals, so this past week we practiced some essential skills including bathing, dressing, feeding, etc. We also had 2 quizzes and a skills test, which I did great on! Skills tests are where you put what you learn into effect and practice on your peers. My skills test involved range of motion on my patient, feeding, brushing dentures, putting on stockings, and other skills I will soon be practicing in clinical. It is exciting to realize that in just one more week I will be in the hospital with real patients!
In health assessment, we had a quiz as well and then practiced up on our assessment skills. It seemed to go really well, and I will soon be able to practice these techniques in real life in clinical. This week we did head, nose and throat, where we got to see all of our peers tonsils, look up their noses, and check out their pupils. This week we will be continuing down the body and practicing more skills.
Lab for A&P was REALLY EXCITING! We first began by dissecting and understanding the hearts of deers, some with attached lungs and trachea. It was so much easier to understand how the heart works when there is a real model to use. Despite the horrific and sickening smell, I was able to get a better understanding of how a human heart works. We also dissected our cats again to identify major veins and arteries in the body. By using a cat as an example, it is easy to apply the knowledge gained in lab onto a person, and I now have a clearer comprehension of veins and arteries.
Tap auditions were this past Friday, and tech week has officially begun and is filled with lots of dance, costumes, and routines to memorize. My family will be coming this weekend, and with 9 different numbers in just this one show, they will be seeing A LOT of me! Pictures will be coming next week, costumes and all!
To relax this weekend, I went to the hockey game with my friend, and that proved to be a good game to go to...lots of fighting! It was close, but I am pretty sure EC lost. But either way, I had a good time just relaxing and unwinding before this week began. With tech for tap every night for 3 hours, two quizzes, a paper, classes, tap show Friday and Saturday, and Relay for Life, it is going to be another busy but exciting week! Pictures soon to come of all the excitement on the EC campus!
Kaylynn and I at the hockey game!